Further reports have been sparse, lending most in the really really real scientific community to posit that the creature was not a monster and, barring a complete fabrication of the story, was in fact an ordinary octopus eating or resting on top of a dead seagull, duck or other local water fowl.
[Artist Sketch of "Ducktopus" based on eyewitness account]
Okay - zoinks!!!
As if an octopus eating a duck/goose/seagull/swan is any less disturbing or scary... ;)
Seriously, a feathered cephalopod freaks me right out...
Oh, this is one of the greatest creations I think I've ever seen!! I keep seeing images of a cute little plushie Ducktopus, just as you've drawn him. Man, how fun is he!? : )
Thanks Wings and Shawn!
wyrmphreak - you should make one...well...two, so you can give me one ;)
Quackthulhu! This is what happens when Disney gets the rights to H.P. Lovecraft's writings!
Great Job!
Man, we really need to align the stars and raise Cthulhu out of the sea quick. Looks like he was getting a tad bit too lonely and mated with a duck/goose/seagull/swan-like organism!
Thanks you Shawn...finally some sense...mixing freakin cephalopods with any other creature is just a crime against humanity. For SHAME, Bubbashelby. FOR SHAME. You can't be giving these crazy squid geneticists any ideas.
Atom - Quackthulu - I love it!
Azoth and Cal - what can I say, Halloween is supposed to be scary and freaky ;)
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